Daniel J. Heidelmeier

Jennifer Olson
Phone: 262-642-5376
Please Email rather than fax.
Attorneys, are encouraged to email their Notice of Retainer and Pleas to the Court to maximize efficiency.
N9330 Stewart School Road
P.O. Box 664
East Troy, WI 53120
Hours: Monday-Friday 8am - 4pm
Email: tetcourt@townofeasttroywi.gov
Court begins promptly at 6pm.
The doors will open at 5:45pm and cases are taken on a first come first serve basis.
In Person: During office Hours, the Court Office is located in the court room to the left of the entrance. Cash (exact change preferred), Checks, Money orders and Credit Cards accepted.
After Office Hours: Drop box located in the building entrance vestibule, is collected daily. No cash please.
By mail: Town of East Troy Municipal Court
N9330 Stewart School Road
P.O. Box 664
East Troy, WI 53120
By Credit or Debit Card: Please note a service fee will be applied by the service provider 3.5% (min. $3.99)
You will need your citation number in order to make a payment.
On Line: click the link below or visit www.allpaid.com Use pay code 6728
Call: All Paid: 888-604-7888 (24 hours a day) additional fees apply.
Please note that payments cannot be made at the Police Department
Please feel free to call the Municipal Court Clerk with any questions you may have.