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Streaming Issues: Thank you for your patience last night with the LIVE Stream of the Town Board Meeting. A cable was accidentally unplugged from the camera by someone sitting in the back row. I will be working with Todd to make some changes so that meeting patrons no longer have to worry about that sort of thing. We had plans for some further changes in January, this will just become a part of that list. Stay tuned to see our progress, there may be some test streams in the next two weeks.Thank you again for your understanding 🙃 ~Jen

Property Tax Deadline-

Good morning,

Passing along this reminder for Walworth County property owners that the final installment of the 2023 real estate taxes is due to the Walworth County Treasurer by July 31, 2024. Please reach out with any questions. Have a great weekend.




For more information contact:

Walworth County Treasurer’s Office



For Immediate Release on July 10, 2024, Elkhorn, Wisconsin


Walworth County Treasurer, Valerie Etzel, would like to remind all Walworth County property owners that the final installment of the 2023 real estate taxes are due to the Walworth County Treasurer by July 31, 2024. Include your payment stub(s) or indicate parcel number(s) that you are paying on your check or in a separate memo so we may apply your payment(s) correctly.


The following payment options are available to property owners:


  1. In Person: Check, cash, money order at the Walworth County Treasurer’s office,   

   100 W. Walworth St, Elkhorn.  Office is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. 


  1. By Mail:Checks or money orders may be mailed to the Walworth County Treasurer, PO Box 1001, Elkhorn, WI 53121.  Your mail must receive a U.S. Postmark on or before July 31, 2024.  If you would like a receipt(s) mailed to you, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment.


  1. Online: (Property Taxes) Payments accepted via electronic check, debit card, or credit card.  Convenience fees for online payments are as follows:
    • $.25 – electronic check (echeck)
    • $3.50 – debit card (flat convenience fee)
    • 2% – credit card (fee is charged for total amount due)
  •      4. Drop Box:  Payments of checks or money orders may be placed in the drop box located at the center median of the parking lot on the north           side of the Government Center, 100 W. Walworth St, Elkhorn.


It is important that property owners meet the July 31 deadline. If you miss the deadline, the balance on your account will be considered delinquent and subject to interest and penalty of 1.5% per month retroactive to February 1 (10.5 %).


Specific questions may be directed to the Walworth County Treasurer’s Office. (262) 741-4251; email