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Streaming Issues: Thank you for your patience last night with the LIVE Stream of the Town Board Meeting. A cable was accidentally unplugged from the camera by someone sitting in the back row. I will be working with Todd to make some changes so that meeting patrons no longer have to worry about that sort of thing. We had plans for some further changes in January, this will just become a part of that list. Stay tuned to see our progress, there may be some test streams in the next two weeks.Thank you again for your understanding 🙃 ~Jen

TODAY- Construction Changes

WIS 20 – Stage 3 (Beginning on June 5th in the afternoon)


  1. WIS 20 will be closed to local traffic between County L in East Troy, and WIS 83 in Waterford. The road will be open to local businesses and residents to use as needed. We plan on installing staggard barricades to allow traffic to go around them to access where they need to go. All the side roads will have access WIS 20 to go around the closure by the railroad tracks if needed.
  2. Access to Bower’s Produce can be made by continuing east on WIS 20 from County L (East Troy)
  3. Access to Green Meadows can be made by going west on WIS 20 from WIS 83 (Waterford)
  4. WIS 20 in East Troy moves from the westbound lanes to the newly built eastbound lanes.
  5. I-43 SB entrance and I-43 NB exit ramps re-open
  6. I-43 NB entrance and I-43 SB exit ramps close.

Next Two Weeks:

WIS 20 – County L to WIS 83

  1. Marking out all the road patched between County L and WIS 83.
  2. Saw cutting the patches to prep for removals
  3. Installing cross culverts/Storm Sewer