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In-Person Absentee Voting: In-person Absentee voting begins Tomorrow (03/18/2025) Kim and Jean will be here from 8am - 4pm To find out more about the upcoming Spring Election visit our website:  
In-Person Absentee Voting: In-person Absentee voting begins Tomorrow (03/18/2025) Kim and Jean will be here from 8am - 4pm To find out more about the upcoming Spring Election visit our website:  

Construction Update STH 120

Project work last week included:

  • Sawcutting concrete, removing concrete, and preparing for concrete patches on STH 120 from Honey Creek Road to the south limit of the concrete section.
  • Concrete pavement repairs/patching on STH 120 from Honey Creek Road to the south limit of the concrete section.
  • Finished placing concrete panels for the retaining wall south of Swoboda Road.
  • Continued working on concrete repairs on the girders of the interstate bridges.


Project work happening this week:

  • Removing pavement for the new right turn lane and acceleration lane at STH 36.
  • Grade for new pavement at STH 36.
  • Sawcutting concrete, removing concrete, and preparing for concrete patches on STH 120 from Honey Creek Road to NB IH-43 Ramps.
  • Concrete pavement repairs/patching on STH 120 from Honey Creek Road to NB IH-43 Ramps.
  • Remove existing guard rail and place new gravel for new rails.
  • Install new guard rail throughout STH 120.
  • Removing existing curb in Springfield and prepare for concrete work.
  • Pour concrete curb and gutter in Springfield.
  • Pour concrete coping on new concrete wall blocks.
  • Grading behind new retaining wall.


Traffic changes happening in the next 7 days: (Reminder that you can check out WIS 120 Rehabilitation – Walworth County ( for updates and help navigating the construction zones in the area.)

  • Road closed to all traffic from Honey Creek Road to the northbound ramps for IH-43 in both directions of travel from Monday August 28th 6:00 AM to Friday September 1st 12:00 PM.  The shutdown is required to remove damaged concrete pavement and replace it.  Due to the nature of concrete work and how long concrete takes to set, the closure may extend beyond 12:00 PM on September 1st, but all attempts to open the roadway by that time will be made.  Residential and business traffic WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET THROUGH CLOSED SEGMENT.  Please plan accordingly.
  • Road closed to all traffic is set to begin on Tuesday September 5th 6:00 AM through Thursday September 7th 10:00 PM from the IH-43 NB Entrance Ramp to the IH-43 SB Entrance and Exit Ramps, along with the NB IH-43 Exit Ramp to STH 120.  Residential and business traffic WILL NOT BE ABLE TO GET THROUGH CLOSED SEGMENT.  Please plan accordingly.


**I have attached a copy of the hard closure schedule with visuals for what will be accessible and what will not be.**