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Town Board Meeting will be LIVE: Special Town Board Meeting at 5:30pm Regular Town Board Meeting at 6:30pm To view the packet information for this meeting please click on the link below. 

Did You Know?

Did you know that you can watch ALL LIVE Streams from Town Board meetings as well as Planning Commission meetings on our website (Click view video and it will take you directly to the video for that meeting. You can also watch them all on our YouTube Page The Town team strived to have all of the original Facebook Streams available on the YouTube page as well. 


We have come a long way over the last two years and are very proud of the improvements we have made to the video and sound quality. The best part is that there is 100% transparency on a LIVE Stream. What you see is an unedited version of what actually happened in real time. The Town Team is very excited to be able to continue to make improvements in 2024. If you know a neighbor that is not subscribed to the website, but would like more information about Town happenings, please encourage them to stop in or give us a call. 


If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call. Jen, is always excited to build connections with our Town Residents! 262-642-5376