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Streaming Issues: Thank you for your patience last night with the LIVE Stream of the Town Board Meeting. A cable was accidentally unplugged from the camera by someone sitting in the back row. I will be working with Todd to make some changes so that meeting patrons no longer have to worry about that sort of thing. We had plans for some further changes in January, this will just become a part of that list. Stay tuned to see our progress, there may be some test streams in the next two weeks.Thank you again for your understanding 🙃 ~Jen

Town of East Troy Mission Statement

The Town Board of the Town of East Troy would like to develop a mission statement that portrays the Town as the amazing community it is. The proposed statement is:

The Town of East Troy is a small Southeastern Wisconsin community, filled with natural resources and rich agricultutral lands. The Town’s government is committed to act with integrity and fiscal responsibliity. In an effort to provide its citizens (community) with: safety for people and property, preservation of agricultual lands, protection of its natural resources and rural lifestyle. The citizens and government strive to support business, recreation and agriculture while making the Town of East Troy a great place to live for today and tomorrow. 

Please provide comments on the statement to Chairman Klarkowski at or Clerk/Treasurer Buchanan at Thank you!